1st European Under 10 Championship
of dribbling and free style tricks
Trophy Cantina F.lli Zeni - Bardolino
This year the Organizers of the 9th International tournament Città di Bardolino – Memorial G. Chincherini wanted to propose an evening of sporting spectacle with the following program :
1) place of development Main Square Preonda facing the lake of Bardolino
2) Saturday 7th may 2022 at 21.00
3) Technical dribbling tournament with knit 2-3… play with the ball free style (tricks) reserved for a player chosen by each Team
4) The test will last 2 minutes one of which used for heating-preparation
5) Trial execution order will be by draw in real time on the stage.
6) all the participants they will have to be at 20.45 in the place of tournament
7) the test will be evaluated by a technical Jury composed of some famous former players and some professional coaches
8) The technical Jury will give an evaluation comprehensive of the exercise and the judgment take into account:
a) technique of the player
b) number and difficulty dribbling
c) number and difficulty free style (tricks)
d) athlete’s posture
9) Awards
a) pennant to each participant
b) the winner will be rewarded with a holiday voucher for a week end in Bardolino- Gardaland valid for 3 people offered by the TOP Bardolino Foundation
c) many other surprise prizes
10) Each team will give participant name by 7 pm Saturday May to the desk Technical Committee on the Sports field (Lady Silvia e/o Mr. Nicola Baietta 0039 349 1336034)
We invite the coaches to participate with interest having over two months to define team participant. Il will still remain a game and fun!!!!
1st European Under 10 Championship
of dribbling and free style tricks
Trophy Cantina F.lli Zeni - Bardolino

This year the Organizers of the 9th International tournament Città di Bardolino – Memorial G. Chincherini wanted to propose an evening of sporting spectacle with the following program :
1) place of development Main Square Preonda facing the lake of Bardolino
2) Saturday 7th may 2022 at 21.00
3) Technical dribbling tournament with knit 2-3… play with the ball free style (tricks) reserved for a player chosen by each Team
4) The test will last 2 minutes one of which used for heating-preparation
5) Trial execution order will be by draw in real time on the stage.
6) all the participants they will have to be at 20.45 in the place of tournament
7) the test will be evaluated by a technical Jury composed of some famous former players and some professional coaches
8) The technical Jury will give an evaluation comprehensive of the exercise and the judgment take into account:
a) technique of the player
b) number and difficulty dribbling
c) number and difficulty free style (tricks)
d) athlete’s posture
9) Awards
a) pennant to each participant
b) the winner will be rewarded with a holiday voucher for a week end in Bardolino- Gardaland valid for 3 people offered by the TOP Bardolino Foundation
c) many other surprise prizes
10) Each team will give participant name by 7 pm Saturday May to the desk Technical Committee on the Sports field (Lady Silvia e/o Mr. Nicola Baietta 0039 349 1336034)
We invite the coaches to participate with interest having over two months to define team participant. Il will still remain a game and fun!!!!